
网络 雅思预测 3年前 3066℃ 0



  Part 1:


  What is your hometown famous for?

  What is the weather like in your hometown?

  Would you prefer to live in a city or in the countryside?


  How often do you look at yourself in a mirror?

  What do you think of decorating rooms with mirrors?

  Have you ever bought a mirror?

  Why do people like to try on clothes in front of a mirror?


  Do you usually remember your dreams after you wake up?

  Do you like sharing your dreams with others?

  Do you think dreams have special meanings?


  Have you ever lost something and had it returned to you by someone?

  What will you do if you find something valuable that someone has lost?


  Do you often send text messages with your mobile phone?

  Are there any places where you are not allowed to use a mobile phone?

  What websites do you usually use?

  How have these websites changed over the years?

  What apps have you used recently?


  How often do you check emails?

  When do you send emails to others?

  Is email a popular form of communication in your country?


  Are you good at managing your time?

  What do you think is the hardest part about making plans?

  What’s your daily routine like?

  Do you have a study routine?


  What do you usually do at weekends?

  What do people in your hometown usually do at weekends?


  Do you prefer watching films at the cinema or at home?

  Do you prefer going to the cinema alone or with friends?

  What're your favourite kinds of films?

  What were your favourite kinds of films as a child?


  What's your favourite sport?

  Do you prefer watching sports games on TV or in a stadium?

  What sports are popular in your country?


  Do you like travelling by car?

  Do you prefer to be the driver or a passenger?

  What’s your favourite car colour?


  What kind of street food do you like?

  Do you enjoy trying the street food while visiting a new place?


  When was the last time you went to a street market?

  What do people usually buy from street markets?

  What are the differences between street markets and shopping malls?


  Are there any paintings on your bedroom walls?

  Do you like visiting art galleries?

  Did you like drawing as a child?


  Do you want to improve your photo-taking skills?

  How often do you take selfies?

  How often do you have family photos taken?


  Do you like visiting history museums?

  Do you like reading books on history?

  (少数考官在1-2月的Part 1口试里还可能沿用以下旧题,1-2月考试的同学可以很快地看一下,3月开始考官还继续使用这些旧题的可能性就很小了:

  Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city?

  When do you need to concentrate?

  When do you use headphones?

  Which would you choose, shoes that look good or shoes that are comfortable?

  What are your favourite colours?

  What’s your favourite science subject?

  What are the most popular pets in your country?

  What’re your favourite types of TV programmes?

  Do you think typing skills are more important than handwriting skills? )

  Part 2:

  下面这些本季话题里的分割线表示我会怎样来合并这些话题。但请注意:Part 2合并话题的方式并不是唯一的,您也完全可以有属于您自己的话题合并方式。 Be creative!


  Describes a person who makes contributions to society(为社会做出贡献的人).

  Describe a famous person you are interested in(你感兴趣的名人).

  Describe a person you follow on social media(你在社交媒体上关注的人).

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  Describe a business person you admire(你崇拜的商业人士).

  Describe a large company in your city(你所在城市里的大公司).

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  Describe someone who you enjoy spending time with(你喜欢一起共度时光的人).

  Describe someone you met recently and would like to know more about(你最近遇见而且希望有更多了解的人).

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  Describe an interesting foreigner you know(上季旧题,但目前还有少数考官在使用,你认识的一个有趣的外国人).

  Describe a person who impressed you most in primary school(也是上季旧题但仍有少数考官沿用,在小学里给你印象最深的一个人,可以和前一题共用答案,说一个有趣的小学外教).

  Describe someone who solved a problem in a clever way(也是本季还偶尔出现的上季旧题).


  Describe a place in the countryside that you enjoyed visiting (注意:地道英文说“乡村”是the countryside ✓, 而不说 a countryside x ).

  Describe a place you visited on vacation or holiday(度假时去的地方).

  Describe a long walk you did. (一次远距离的步行)

  Describe a bicycle trip(or car trip) you’d like to take in the future(想骑自行车 / 开车前往的旅行).

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  Describe a time when you visited a new place(到访一个新地方的经历).

  Describe an ideal house / flat(一个理想的别墅或者公寓).

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  Describe a famous city(著名的城市).

  Describe an interesting city(有趣的城市).

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  Describe a café you often go to(上季旧题,目前还有少数考官在使用,常去的咖啡馆).

  Describe a time when you received good service(获得良好服务的经历,也是上季旧题但本季还偶尔出现).


  Describe a special cake that you received(你收到的一个特殊的蛋糕).

  Describe a special event you waited for. (你曾等待发生的特殊事件).

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  Describe a happy event that you organised(你组织的一项快乐的活动).

  Describe something difficult that you succeeded in doing(你成功完成的一件困难的事).

  Describe a time when you got up early(一次早起的经历)。

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  Describe an interesting discussion that you had with a friend(与朋友的有趣讨论).

  Describe an interesting conversation that you had with someone(与某人的有趣谈话).

  Describe a story that someone told you and you still remember(别人告诉你而且你仍然记得的故事).

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  Describe a course you took which impressed you a lot(你选过的给你印象深刻的课程).

  Describe a skill you learned from an elderly person(从老人那里学到的一种技能).

  Describe a skill you’d like to learn(想学的技能).

  Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn(对你来说很难学的技能).

  Describe a habit that your friend has and you want to develop(上季旧题但仍有少数考官在使用,朋友有自己也想养成的好习惯).

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  Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet(还未实现的志向).

  Describe a rule that you do not like and you think should be changed(你不喜欢而且你认为应该被改变的规定).

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  Describe an interesting song(有趣的歌曲).

  Describe something that helped you learn a foreign language. (这两道题分开准备的工作量比较大,其实听英文歌本身就是学英文的好方法。如果准备一首你听过觉得很有趣、而且歌词对你学英文也有帮助的英文歌,就同时准备好了这两道题)


  Describe a gift that you gave a friend(给朋友的礼物).

  Describe an item on which you spent more than expected(花费超出了预期的物品,上季旧题但本季还偶尔出现).

  Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you(某人给你的一件服装).

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  Describe a book you enjoy reading(爱读的书).

  Describe an exciting book (令人兴奋的书).

  Describe a time when you received something free(收到免费物品的经历), such as a free gift, a free meal, a free film ticket or a free sample from a shop.

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  Describe something that you can’t live without (NOT a computer or a mobile phone)(你生活离不开的东西,比如寒冷地区的暖气或者暖和的大衣,炎热地区的空调或者电风扇,不管住在哪都需要的牙刷,餐具等,但注意题目要求不能说电脑或手机)

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  Describe a toy you had as a child.(童年时的一个玩具)

  Describe something that was broken and then repaired by you(被你弄坏又修好的东西).



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